Sunday, April 15, 2012

What a Day!

On Thursday morning we were all getting ready to head out the door for the doctor. Elliott was going to have some shots. I needed to have the kids out the door by 9, no later. After I changed two diapers on two children, made sure the oldest child went to the bathroom, instructed two children to put on their shoes, nursed the baby, and packed lunches, I quickly ran to the bathroom to do my thing. Soon after, Emarie ran in, with tears streaming down her face, holding her thumb. There was a large splinter wedged all the way down to the base of her thumb. There was no way of getting it out. I piled all the kids in the car and went to the doctor, making an appointment for Emarie on the way. After Elliott got his shots, the doctor came in the look at her thumb. She was stumped. Off we went, to the ER. Thank goodness I have a friend that agreed to change all her plans for the day and watch Elliott and Claire while I took Emarie to get her thumb fixed.

So to make a long story short, we sat in the ER for hours. When the ER doctor looked at her injury, he was stumped too. After calling a hand surgeon to get some advice, he said that her thumbnail would need to be removed to get the wood out. After some pricks, tears, cuts, and a few stitches later, we were on our way home.

Tomorrow we see a specialist to make sure her finger will return to it's original form.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! And how is her little thumb doing today? Poor thing!
