Monday, April 16, 2012

I am dying (not physically but sometimes it feels that way too)

I ask myself today if I will someday see the fruit of my labor. I know that the bible says "yes". I know that Jesus encourages us to take up our plow and move forward. To die to ourselves daily and pick up our cross. He promises great eternal rewards and I need to believe that His promises are true. Today is a dying day.


Emarie has thrown several fits. One was about the shirt I laid out for her. One was about not having a particular spoon that she wanted in the sand box. One was over the lunch I made for her. She has thrown sand after I asked her not to, hit her little sister, and stole her little sister's "going pee on the potty" reward.

Claire has been crying and crying over everything, need I say more? We started potty training recently, so this morning I cleaned some poopy underwear, and a random poop on the floor.

Poor little buddy has another cold. So he's fussy.

I am living on His grace today. I am so hungry for it. I don't want my children to see me as a mom that tried to have it all together. I want them to see that I depend on the love and grace that my Lord freely gives. I want them to see that mommy desperately needs a savior but at the same time, showing them what His love looks like.

So I try to set my eyes on the prize and ask for faith to believe that this is not in vain. 

My friend came over this afternoon with her children. I needed her here today. What an encouragement friends are. She knows because we're in the same season of life. We laughed as I cleaned the poop off the floor. Being a mom of little ones isn't always glamorous. But did Jesus have a "glamorous" job when He came to save me?

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