Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A Love Story - Part 3

We all came back to Clarkson after Christmas break, ready to start a new semester in the subzero degree temperatures. That first Sunday of the new semester was an interesting one that was quite unexpected (to say the least!). After church, a guy from our college ministry group approached me, asking if it was alright if we met later that day. I agreed to meet at the Clarkson hockey rink/student center. The conversation started like this:

him: "So I met with your dad"
me: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! (all in my head of course)
him: "and I asked him if it was alright if I courted you. I think you are going to be my wife someday..."
me: "uhhh...can you give me a few days to think and pray about this? I really don't know what to say."

So that was a Sunday night. I had no idea what to think or do. I had no interest in being a wife anytime soon (or ever for that matter). But I didn't want to completely discredit things based on my own fears. When I saw Caleb on Monday morning, he knew something was up. I told him everything. "So, what should I do!?" but he didn't have an answer. I don't remember him saying anything at all. 

I was supposed to meet the future-husband-guy on Wednesday to tell him what I felt God was saying. Wednesday came fast. I still didn't know what I was going to say to him. I decided to go running (even though it was -10 degrees). As I was running back to my dorm, I saw Caleb in a parking lot. He was the only human around due to the frigid weather. When I saw him, he looked terrible. When I asked him what was wrong, he asked me what I was going to tell this other guy.

me: "I'm going to tell him that I only want to be friends."
Caleb: "Ok, well I haven't slept because I really like you too."

More was said but I won't go into the specifics. I was shocked. At this point in my life, I didn't want a relationship. Marriage was a very scary thing. So I ran. Not just away from Caleb that afternoon, but for the next semester too. I found a co-op (a long internship) in Vermont and planned to work away from Clarkson and the guys that thought I'd make a good wife. But you can never run from God and He certainly made His path clear while I was running away.

To be continued...

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