Monday, May 21, 2012

It feels good!

I weighed in the other night. and the scale said "you are 35 pounds lighter than you were two weeks after Elliott was born! Congrats!!!".  I danced, I cheered for myself, I ran to my husband to tell him the news. It took me 7 months but I don't care. I did it with His and his help. and I would have to say that my kids also helped me a lot. I probably would have eaten a lot more in those 7 months if I didn't have three kids to feed, change, read books to, kiss boo boos, and all that stuff. I would like to loose 5 more and be more musclelly.

When the world says that having three kids in the time span of boom boom boom, is bad for your body, I would tell them that of course I is if you don't take care of yourself! But I can tell you that I feel better than I did before I got pregnant with my first.

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Life is Fun

You know, being home all day with my kids is really really fun. There are weeks that I think I could stay on my property forever; never coming out. People would start calling me "Melissa the Hermit". I don't remember my office days being this wonderful. I really don't.

This afternoon I whipped up a peach cake. It was a glorious time because I was looking at the recipe while being creative about making it tasty AND healthy. I hope my buffly man likes it.

I noticed that there was a random marigold plant growing happily near my compost. I have wanted to plant marigolds near my tomatoes for weeks but didn't want to spend the money on pregrown plants. This little gift lifted my spirits.

That's it for now. The cake is almost done and diapers need to be put on the line.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Success!!

In an effort to be completely refined sugar free, I made a large batch of honey sweetened strawberry jam yesterday. I was a little scared to have a runny end product but I must say that it set very well and I will be making this jam every year!

The ingrients are as follows:

4 cups of mashed berries
1 cup honey
2 tsp Pomona's Universal Pectin
2 tsp calcium water (comes in pectin box)

I took these ingredients and multiplied them all by 6 and made my jam. You might be wondering how expensive it is to make honey sweetened jam. It was certainly an issue for me before I bought the stuff to make it. After making this batch, I did the cost analysis and determined that it costs roughly $1/cup of jam. Not bad. The jam tastes great, more fruity than the more sugary jam that I've made in the past.

When our peaches are ripe, I think I'll try a honey peach jam too!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Is Back

We are all back in Richmond. On our little we-like-to-imagine country homestead. Since we've been back:

*I bought a new sewing machine! SOOO excited to finally start the list of crafts and projects that have been piling up. I am also going to start making dolls and selling them on Etsy.

*trying to put this place back together again. The house looked like nobody had been living in it for awhile. Cobwebs, dust, mold, dirt. I am taking one day at a time. I am not superwoman. I have to admit, I was annoyed at my husband for leaving the five pieces of clothes on the line for 2.5 weeks while getting sun bleached and rained on.

*ran a 10k race. I ran it without stopping! Thanks to my marvelous family cheering me at least 6 times along the way. There were 900ish runners there. I was the 600th to finish.

*caught a cold from running in the rain and not getting enough sleep. Husband is nourishing me back to health with vitCs. He agreed to postpone our second round of p90X until I feel better.

*bought all supplies to make honey strawberry jam. I think I will attempt this tomorrow.

While most time was spent being a mom to my three dears.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pesky Woodchucks - A Disaster

Caleb came home to Richmond yesterday. He was greeted with quite the surprise:

"Dear kids,
I just got home and look what I found!  The Woodchucks were not good like they promised. The have destroyed our living room.
I will catch them and make them stay outside."

" When I tried to catch them, they ran under the tv!  They smashed our tv!"

Caleb and I figured that this was a perfect opportunity to sell our tv (blaming the woodchucks for smashing it of course)  and use the $ to build a small chicken coop.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Still not home on the range

We're still Mass and it has been a great visit. We have seen many many neat historical things while we've been here and eaten at lots of tasty establishments. Yesterday we toured Newport, Rhode Island and saw the outside of the lavish Vanderbilt mansions. Emarie is convinced that they are castles. She can't wait to see the inside of them tomorrow and visit the queen (who has been preparing all day today for our visit).

I have a 10k race on Sunday. I have been running almost every other day while I've been here. But I'm not ready. If I get through in once piece, I'll be happy.

We come home to Richmond on Friday morning. I miss my home. My husband. My friends. God has been so good to me in my Richmond community.

Caleb comes home to Richmond this afternoon after being overseas. He is eager to see if the woodchucks ransacked our house while he was gone. I will keep everyone posted.