Friday, June 28, 2013

A Birth Story

It was June 24th, 2013 and I was 41 weeks, 5 days pregnant. My body felt ready to have a baby so my midwife, Glenda came over, checked me and determined that I was a good 7cm dilated. After chilling for a couple hours to see if labor would progress, we all went back to bed to see if the next day would bring a baby.

Me, the day before my 4th born came into the world

On June 25th, we all woke up and wondered if it would be the day. Caleb stayed home from work because you never know just how long it will take a baby to come when you're at 7cm. We played in the kiddy pool, wandered around the yard, and mingled as a family in great anticipation.

 Us, on the morning of the birth

I decided to have Glenda come over in the afternoon to check me and strip my membranes (a method of inducing labor). At 3pm I was stripped and the contractions started. Not too strong but more regular. I walked in the heat to 7-Eleven to get Slurpees (Caleb's suggestion to help labor along) with the family, walked and stood, and knelt, and rocked. Anything I could do to keep the contractions regular. They came while I labored in my home, while my kids ran around with "Aunt" (my sista Haley!) and my husband encouraged (hence the 7 Eleven journey). Caleb and Aunt put the kids to bed around 8pm. After our goodnight kisses, Emarie jumped into bed saying "Have a good birth mom!" (So glad her idea of birth is a good one!)

At 9pm, I was checked again. I was 9 cm and baby's head was an inch from coming out. "We are ready when you are Melissa. You need to be ok with pushing your baby out. That part that you don't want to do..." my midwife encouraged.

 I then knew my body was waiting on me. I prayed and imagined holding my baby. The truth is, I just didn't want to go through the pushing and the out of control feeling. I began to accept and my body went into transition. Strong contractions came and I stood at the foot of my bed. 45 minutes of transition and my water broke. "I'm pushing out my baby!" It all happened so fast after that. I quickly got onto the bed and pushed a head out. Then out came a body, all while holding onto Caleb's arms quite tightly. When Glenda said "reach down and get your baby dad" my strong grip just didn't allow that to happen. Up he went on my chest while crying his first wails.

A Boy!

We have another son! He was 8lb 2oz and 20.5" long.

Our third homebirth was a wonderful experience that I will have forever. We are beyond blessed to have a great birthing team here in Richmond and hospitals close by if a transfer was ever needed.

Our children woke up in the morning to a new baby brother.

Welcome to the world my 4th born and 2nd son. We So love you!

Sunday, June 23, 2013


I sit here and write in my blog while my baby rests peacefully inside my womb at 41 weeks, +4 days. As the time passes by, people wait anxiously for any news of this he or she to make their arrival into this world. While I totally understand the excitement (I'm of course ready to be holding, cuddling, nursing, smelling, this child!) and the "are you in labor yet?" comments, I choose to rest and wait for the perfect time. I full heartedly believe that God has a perfect time for EVERYTHING. Even the exact moment of delivery. And I do see the medical side of "it's just not safe to let you baby bake inside you for more than 41 weeks!" and pregnancies are all unique and some do indeed need to be ended before nature takes it's course.

Why would it be nice to have this baby in the next couple hours? Oh the reasons!...

I'm huge
I'm tired
I hurt
I am inconvenienced
I am forced to give me!

but isn't that what we're called to do everyday even if you're NOT 41+4 weeks pregnant? Didn't Jesus call us to "die daily"?  AND he promises great rewards to those that are faithful. I know this reward is gloriously great and worth another day of hugeness.  I don't pretend to be happy and giddy with my physical state day in and day out. His grace takes me through the "I'm just through with this!" moments.

This baby belongs  to Him and He chooses the time. Not me and there is a wonderful peace in that.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


Saturday is a day to:

Relish in the backyard. To spend extra time picking lavender and thinking of ways to use it.

So far Caleb is the only one to take the initiative and make lavender lemonade. It's quite tasty I must say! Saturday is also a day to eat Popsicles until completely covered in blueberryness. 
Aren't they just delightful little offspring? It's crazy to think that another is on it's way in just minutes, hours, days! So I am trying to just "be" and enjoy these moments while at the same time chip away at little things around here before Lange baby 4 pops on out. Speaking of popping out, we are having another homebirth and I'm so happy about it. Yes, I am not exactly wanting to endure that familiar pain, but life is worth it. 

And there is a glorious plan for each one...

Thursday, June 6, 2013


I thought that maybe labor was beginning last night as contractions continued every 4 minutes. But they didn't continue past two hours of breathing through them. I kept thinking that I wasn't ready to have the baby because my house was almost totally empty of food and there was no way I wanted to pop out a kid and have no tasty goodness to celebrate. Maybe labor will start up again on Saturday when I go buy some yummy things.

I love the 20 month old stage but sometimes I don't at all. While the girls play quietly with their blocks, Eliiott always manages to wack them on the head with a large piece. And oh the tears start to flow and mama wants to just hide in a cave for a few minutes.

We live in a very Mexican area of Richmond. On weekends the clubs boom with lovely Mexican tunes causing husband and I to wish we were in some very remote country area. But we do love the Mexican market right across the street from us where no one can speak english. Oh the food is GOOD and REAL mexican and CHEAP. I think I'll ask husband if we can walk there tonight ;-)

If I had $1000 to spend at Costco I would be as high as a kite. Can you imagine? Cheese, berries, chocolate, produce galore! I am thankful to go and get some of the items listed. Highlight of weekend.

What's your weekend highlight?