Monday, May 21, 2012

It feels good!

I weighed in the other night. and the scale said "you are 35 pounds lighter than you were two weeks after Elliott was born! Congrats!!!".  I danced, I cheered for myself, I ran to my husband to tell him the news. It took me 7 months but I don't care. I did it with His and his help. and I would have to say that my kids also helped me a lot. I probably would have eaten a lot more in those 7 months if I didn't have three kids to feed, change, read books to, kiss boo boos, and all that stuff. I would like to loose 5 more and be more musclelly.

When the world says that having three kids in the time span of boom boom boom, is bad for your body, I would tell them that of course I is if you don't take care of yourself! But I can tell you that I feel better than I did before I got pregnant with my first.

1 comment:

  1. 7 months is awesome, I think!

    What are you doing to "feel better" than before? I'm trying hard to get a bit more serious about no sugar/no unnecessary seconds, etc. Each baby has left me with a few extra pounds -- and the realization that I'm only going to get older, and it's only going to get harder to stay healthy!
