Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Still not home on the range

We're still Mass and it has been a great visit. We have seen many many neat historical things while we've been here and eaten at lots of tasty establishments. Yesterday we toured Newport, Rhode Island and saw the outside of the lavish Vanderbilt mansions. Emarie is convinced that they are castles. She can't wait to see the inside of them tomorrow and visit the queen (who has been preparing all day today for our visit).

I have a 10k race on Sunday. I have been running almost every other day while I've been here. But I'm not ready. If I get through in once piece, I'll be happy.

We come home to Richmond on Friday morning. I miss my home. My husband. My friends. God has been so good to me in my Richmond community.

Caleb comes home to Richmond this afternoon after being overseas. He is eager to see if the woodchucks ransacked our house while he was gone. I will keep everyone posted.


  1. I know it can be hard not being home. Still praying for you and thinking of you. And seeing the Vanderbilt mansion sounds really neat.

  2. You have balls! I hope the 10K went ok... something i may never accomplish!!
