We are all back in Richmond. On our little we-like-to-imagine country homestead. Since we've been back:
*I bought a new sewing machine! SOOO excited to finally start the list of crafts and projects that have been piling up. I am also going to start making dolls and selling them on Etsy.
*trying to put this place back together again. The house looked like nobody had been living in it for awhile. Cobwebs, dust, mold, dirt. I am taking one day at a time. I am not superwoman. I have to admit, I was annoyed at my husband for leaving the five pieces of clothes on the line for 2.5 weeks while getting sun bleached and rained on.
*ran a 10k race. I ran it without stopping! Thanks to my marvelous family cheering me at least 6 times along the way. There were 900ish runners there. I was the 600th to finish.
*caught a cold from running in the rain and not getting enough sleep. Husband is nourishing me back to health with vitCs. He agreed to postpone our second round of p90X until I feel better.
*bought all supplies to make honey strawberry jam. I think I will attempt this tomorrow.
While most time was spent being a mom to my three dears.
Wow, you are amazing Melissa!