Thursday, June 6, 2013


I thought that maybe labor was beginning last night as contractions continued every 4 minutes. But they didn't continue past two hours of breathing through them. I kept thinking that I wasn't ready to have the baby because my house was almost totally empty of food and there was no way I wanted to pop out a kid and have no tasty goodness to celebrate. Maybe labor will start up again on Saturday when I go buy some yummy things.

I love the 20 month old stage but sometimes I don't at all. While the girls play quietly with their blocks, Eliiott always manages to wack them on the head with a large piece. And oh the tears start to flow and mama wants to just hide in a cave for a few minutes.

We live in a very Mexican area of Richmond. On weekends the clubs boom with lovely Mexican tunes causing husband and I to wish we were in some very remote country area. But we do love the Mexican market right across the street from us where no one can speak english. Oh the food is GOOD and REAL mexican and CHEAP. I think I'll ask husband if we can walk there tonight ;-)

If I had $1000 to spend at Costco I would be as high as a kite. Can you imagine? Cheese, berries, chocolate, produce galore! I am thankful to go and get some of the items listed. Highlight of weekend.

What's your weekend highlight?


  1. You should definitely walk to Mexican Land. Any bright spot to a day should be a celebration - and that would be cause for a celebration.

    My weekend plans consist of garage sales, baby showers, and graduation parties. Too busy for my liking - but such is the month of June. Always busy.

  2. Definitely partying around on Saturday. I went to one party, and then spent several hours at another party where we hung out, ate food, talked, and swam in the fancy pool at my friend's fancy house.

  3. Mmmm, Mexican. REAL Mexican. I love it.
