Saturday, June 15, 2013


Saturday is a day to:

Relish in the backyard. To spend extra time picking lavender and thinking of ways to use it.

So far Caleb is the only one to take the initiative and make lavender lemonade. It's quite tasty I must say! Saturday is also a day to eat Popsicles until completely covered in blueberryness. 
Aren't they just delightful little offspring? It's crazy to think that another is on it's way in just minutes, hours, days! So I am trying to just "be" and enjoy these moments while at the same time chip away at little things around here before Lange baby 4 pops on out. Speaking of popping out, we are having another homebirth and I'm so happy about it. Yes, I am not exactly wanting to endure that familiar pain, but life is worth it. 

And there is a glorious plan for each one...


  1. Your backyard looks fabulous. I love the fence. And you make me want to try lavender lemonade.

  2. You look amazing. I think when I hear that things are rough, I imagine a crazy looking tug boat chugging along. You probably feel that way - but definitely don't look that way. TINY!
