Yesterday. While I was driving my sick kids to the doctor, I was reminded that someone died for me. Someone came to this world to die and save me! I think we forget that a lot for many reasons. It's so hard to wrap my brain around that. Who would come from a totally perfect place JUST to save people? It's mind blowing actually. People are so forgetful. I am so forgetful. I focus on the bad, the things that I need to do, what the naked eye can see, and forget to remember what He did for me.
"I made you to die also"...
Man....this Christian thing is tough. And honestly, I didn't realize how/what dying meant until I was forced to serve the smaller than me. I'm not writing this to say that I now have it together. That I'm some mother Theresa. My children see that I need a savior just as much as they do (and so does every Saint past and present).
So we get to the Dr. My children have strep throat. I load all the sicklings back up and head to Target for some meds. And then my "dyingness" is tested. As I pull into the parking lot, the pharmacist calls.
"Mrs. Lange, we are currently out of your prescription, can I fax it to another store?"
I agreed for her to fax it to the nearest pharmacy (which is Walmart....I can't stand Walmart). As I'm pulling into Walmart (while my 4 month old is SCREAMING from the exhaustion of being toted around) she calls again.
"Mame, Elliott's presciption was just called in. We have enough meds for him but not for Claire and Emarie. And Walmart only has enough for two kids, not three..."
Me = mad. I wanted to say "Lady, do you have ANY idea what it's like to bring four little kids into a store, let alone four sick kids?!! You HAVE to be kidding me!" Instead I said something like "Mame, I have four sick kids. I will go to ONE store or NO store. Not TWO!". I wasn't a gracious Christian at that moment.
I took them all into Walmart. Where we sat 45 min waiting for the prescription to be ready. There was a reason for it all. There were people to reach and offer encouraging words. God uses children to show love to people in amazing ways. His word is true, they are BLESSINGS even in sickness and even in Walmart.
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