Friday, August 24, 2012

He wants me

I did something terrible today. Something that required a 911 call...

I took my kiddos to the store. When we got home, I helped the two girls out of their seats. When I went to get Elliott out of his, the door was locked. Every door was locked. Don't ask me how, they just were. My phone was also locked in the car. I ran to the neighbors and used their phone. After calling Caleb a million times, there was only one thing I could do....

Soon the fire truck arrived, then the police, and then the ambulance. They smashed a window and retrieved my sobbing son. The EMT man checked him and he was ok. Praise Jesus it is a cool day. The police got a statement. I can't remember what I told her. I hope she doesn't call social services.

Now as the kids peacefully sleep, I ask why. God, do you want to humble me? Do you want me to see that I can't do this parenting thing without You? Do You want me to see the gifts that my kids are?

This event surely forced me to see all of this and meditate on it all. But I think He is telling me that He wants me. He wants a relationship with me. He wants me to talk with Him, for me to be in complete wonderment. I once heard someone say that if you're not praying, then God will give you something to pray about. He cares more about my heart then a passenger side car window.

If you think I'm flawed, you're totally right...

1 comment:

  1. Oh honey! It or something like that happens to everyone. Accidents happen. Don't beat yourself up about it. God was watching out for you and your kids. He always will. And you are right about God wanting you. He loves you deeply and wants to be able to show you that. Love you.
