It all started last year when husband's larger ups at work began talking about a possibility in a huge jump for him in his career. When I first heard mutterings of a chance that he would be an office manager somewhere else other than Richmond, I quite honestly sort of passed it by. Change is inevitable right? We all go through it sooner or later so why should I really meditate on it?
I continued to live life while mothering my four bandits, there was plenty around to stay occupied. In December, 2013 changes really started becoming "real". We ripped out chimneys and walls and floors all in the attempt to make our house sell-able. We hired help...never. People helped and husband prooved his handyman skills.
When our kitchen was gutted, I remember really being stretched. Cooking dinners in the bathroom for two months (things take longer when you do as you have the moola) put me over the edge more times than one. I promised myself that I would NEVER complain about doing dishes in the kitchen again after this. "Stay positive Melissa! You have running water!" kept going through my mind. In the mornings I had to choose to have a good attitude which was hard. My poor husband was working his tail off at work and in our house and I couldn't shake that we were working so hard just to sell our place.
Then in March, 2014 husband started his new job as a branch manager and commuted to his new office 1.25 hrs from our house. This is when my attitude slipped further and further down the crabby lane. His days were so long and I was so tired and I didn't want to be a happy wife when he came home 15 min before the kids go to bed. I'm just being honest here. I believed that this new job came before me and failed to see that he was working for us. For our family and our goals.
To be continued...